Laura Herrera, is passionate about sharing her experience in fighting the disease, Endometriosis and it's sister disease, Adenomyosis.
Too many women's lives are impacted by these diseases, which many doctors and this world do not fully understand. She created,, as a resource tool, which also provides her story along with others in order to help close the gap between other endo-warriors with loved ones, friends and medical professionals.
Taking 7 years just to be diagnosed, multiple surgeries, many failed treatments and extensive research years afterwards, Laura has a story to tell which includes, pain, heartache, hopelessness, survival, love and hope. Her desire is to provide information to others going through similar situations in fighting these diseases.
If you have a story to tell - be it an endo- warrior, loved one, friend or medical professional, please don't hesitate to contact her to share on this site.
The more information and stories compiled on this site the better in bringing awareness and in return helping so many lives for the better.
Let's change the medical world of Endometriosis together!
Copyright 2019
This website is intended as a resource/information site. All diagnoses must be given by a doctor. This website is not affiliated with, maintained, authorized, endorsed or sponsored by any of the mentioned websites, materials, doctors or any of its affiliates. This is an independent, unofficial site. All information contained on this site is unofficial and subject to update without notice.