If you would like to have your story added to this site for Endometriosis awareness, please email me.
This can be anyone from an endo-warrior, loved one, friend or medical professional. The more stories the better! Our stories can help get the message out that the world needs to recognize the impact Endometriosis has on not only patients, but also their loved ones and friends.
Once I have received your email, I will then respond and ask you to sign a release upon acceptance of your story before it is added to this site. This will be established if and when I decide to publish a book or share your story at conferences etc.
Thank you for taking the time to share any of the following: your years of struggle, pain, heartache, hope and encouragement.
We are all in this together and will make a stand to be heard.
Copyright iunderstandendometriosis.com 2019
This website is intended as a resource/information site. All diagnoses must be given by a doctor. This website is not affiliated with, maintained, authorized, endorsed or sponsored by any of the mentioned websites, materials, doctors or any of its affiliates. This is an independent, unofficial site. All information contained on this site is unofficial and subject to update without notice.